Monday, June 1, 2009

How to score A in mathematics

During my early days in school, I think mathematics is a good course for everyone. It teaches you to tackle everyday task related to calculations. Here the tips:

1. Always know the basic formula.
Let say you want to learn about fractions, derivatives, or integral, you must know what is the most basic formula. Then the applications or derivations of the formula will lead to other formula.

For example:
A = B*C;
B = 2*Y
C = 4
A = 2*Y*4 = 8Y

2. Understand the formula, do not memorize.
Well, you cannot memorize any formula unless you understand how it works. Even if you can memorize it, you'll not be able to recall or use on how to solve the related problems.

3. Study and try unlimited examples. This is the most important part. Because you can only mastering mathematics when you do so many examples related to that formula.

4. If you want to score in an exam, collect the previous exam papers. This will help you a lot. Believe me.

5. Allocate time to answer each question. If you were given 30 minutes to answer 10 questions, plan you answer. Read briefly all questions, for 2 or 3 minutes. Select the easiest question first. Or you can try to answer in sequence but allocate appropriate time to answer. Make sure allocate time for checking your answer too.

6. Get enough sleep before exam. This is important because you cannot think at all if you were sleepy during exam.

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